Please look in the right sidebar of this blog to see the link to purchase this Canadian exercise DVD. I own this and use it, along with others, for my daycare business. By about 9:30a.m. daily, if we are still inside, a change of pace is in order to work out some of the tensions that build up with the non-stop interaction kids of different ages have with one another.
Judy, the creator, a West Vancouver, B.C. resident, is a physical and health education teacher and is so obviously passionate about her trade. She has created several kids fitness DVDs and most of them can be done in the classroom with kids standing beside their desks.
This particular kids exercise workout is made up of 65 one minute energy blasts, so you can do 1, 2, 3 or whatever it takes to burn off some pent up energy. Kids want to be moving, and it doesn't always take a lot of activity to keep them happy.
Judy's energy and enthusiasm are infectious and every segment is presented in such a way that you just can't sit still. Even little 2-3 year olds, who may not have the coordination skills to perfectly execute each move, have a blast just moving to the music however they please. I would recommend this DVD to anyone who wants to start small, 1 minute at a time, to build a fun activity routine.
If you keep this in the DVD player while you are watching TV, you could easily turn this on for 1 or 2 minutes while commercials are running. Great idea for fun family fitness!
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