This isn't rocket science, or a surprise. If kids grow up in a home where the parents don't make healthy food choices or healthy lifestyle choices, then it pretty much goes without saying that the children are going to be in an uphill battle to obtain optimum health themselves. In terms of setting patterns and habits, parents, or whoever the adults are who are in charge, have the greatest influence on children before they ever leave the family home to attend a child care facility or an educational institution. Even if a child begins to go to a daycare as early as one year, they have already learned what their home environment is likely to teach them. If the caregivers or parents don't take the child outside or don't play with them, engaging them, but instead turn the TV on to entertain the child, and then serves some convenience food they can just heat up and throw on a plate rather than something home prepared, that is all the child will know…or expect.
If you make healthy food choices and teach your child the same when they are very young, then that habit will be well established.
Likewise, if you are a fit parent and expose your child to lots of activities and physical fitness learning opportunities they are likely to be fit. So….
- Practice what you preach
- Show rather than tell…it's much more effective
- Actions speak louder than words
If you make fitness for your kids a priority and get involved and active yourself you should be well on your way to raising fit kids and having a fit family.
The greatest gifts you can give your children are your time, your unconditional love and support, your wisdom…and because you lead a healthy lifestyle…your longevity. Teach them, by how you care for yourself, that you know you must lead a healthy life to be there for them.
If you learn to just build activity and movement into your daily routines and make family time to do active things together it really can be a simple matter. Just have fun.
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