Look out below - I'm coming down! |
There is an old saying – "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree", meaning of course that children are likely to develop the habits and attitudes displayed by their parents in the home environment. This is just further proof that you, and pretty much you alone, are responsible for the physical, emotional and spiritual health of your young children. That isn't to say they won't be influenced by other environments that become part of their life, but the home environment has the opportunity to be the first example any child notices or recalls.
So, that means if your child is exposed to overweight or obese, inactive parents who have and display poor nutritional habits they have a higher chance of growing up dealing with obesity due to a lack of both physical fitness and healthy eating habits. No surprise there.
So if you are one of these parents, and you know if you are, its time to set your family fitness bar higher. You don't have to break any high jump records here…just move it incrementally higher as your fitness level improves. If you set the example that fitness can be fun and something to look forward to, whether it's Mom's fitness or yoga class or Dad's tennis or indoor beach volleyball, your children will come to expect that fitness for children is the norm as well. A simple daily or nightly walk or bike ride around the block to start if you are just getting back into fitness is all it will take. Just do it with them.
If your child is accustomed to seeing you parked in front of the TV every night they will think that is the norm. If they see you eating junk food in front of the TV every night they will think that is the norm…and it is in far too many homes, a habit largely fed by the TV commercials targeting couch potatoes and their couch potatoes-to-be.
So if you want to have fit kids and you yourself aren't currently setting the best example, and you know if you are one of these parents, you need to make some changes.
Start by showing them or challenging them to do something active during the commercials (running to the fridge for food doesn't count). When you get the munchies cut up a plate of fruit for the family to share. If your children are older make it with them. It's never too early to teach them healthy food choices. Find some kid friendly recipes they can make like pure peanut butter in celery sticks providing peanuts are not an issue in your house.
Encourage, foster and promote parent and child fitness and nutrition. You're worth it and so are your kids. Be a part of the solution to the international crisis of childhood obesity.
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